Archive | June, 2017

Bindlestiff Bestsellers

20 Jun

Here, in descending order, are our best-selling books for the last month:

Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

Te-Nehisi Coates, Between the World and Me

Innosanto Nagara, Counting on Community (board book)

Bryant Terry, Afro-Vegan: Farm-Fresh African, Caribbean, and Southern Flavors Remixed

Neil Gaiman, Norse Mythology (novel)

Zadie Smith, White Teeth (a novel)

Andrea Beaty, Rosie Revere, Engineer (picture book)

Innosanto Nagara, A is for Activist (board book)

Noam Chomsky, Power Systems: Conversations with David Barsamian on Global Democratic Uprisings and the New Challenges to U.S. Empire

Jon Stone, The Monster at the End of this Book (picture book)

Richard Wright, Black Boy

Dollar Stroll Thursday, June 15

3 Jun

Bindlestiff Books will be open late (until 8:30 pm) Thursday, June 15, for the dollar stroll, and will have several new books and DVDs available on tables in front of the store for a dollar.